Saturday, August 11, 2012

closing time

Swift as the feet of pegasus it's time for us to close this show :( It has been such an incredible experience going out there every night in this beautiful city and telling our story- despite small houses, the feedback that we've gotten is that we have really touched people and as a theatre artist I can't ask for anything better than that. I can't believe we've already reached the end of our run- Hecuba will certainly be shedding a few extra tears tonight.

Yesterday after our classic "Sex and the City" breakfast at The Abbey, Sumiko and I split off and went to see "American Girlfriend"- a comedy act at The Hive. The woman was hysterical- and american- so what's not to love? We also stumbled upon the Museum of Childhood, where we got to see some super creepy old dolls, play a ten pence "Sweeney Todd" game, and I even got to teach her how to play snakes and ladders! The gift shop was a blast too- we were reminiscing about how fun Christmas/Birthdays were when you got toys instead of socks and underwear.

We all went out for desserts after the show- which were presentationally pretty awesome. We had a crazy Italian waiter whose humor didn't impress everyone, but it was nice to spend some time as a cast post-show. Rachel, Ross, Brian and I met up with our friends again and went out afterwards for another crazy Scottish night.

Today we all went to see "Austentatious"- an improve group that draws audience member's Jane Austen book title ideas out of a hat and then acts out the story. Today's selection was: Anal and Anal Retentive- which I'm sure you can imagine was a riot. We had a blast at the show, one of the funniest things I've seen at the fringe, and they were brilliant at improv (so much "yes, and..." to be had!)

I shopped around a bit on the Royal Mile since it was a glorious afternoon- and now it's off to get ready for our final performance!


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