Sunday, August 5, 2012

don't rain on my parade

So today turned out to be quite a yucky day in beautiful Edinburgh. cold, gray and rainy- it wasn't looking to be a promising hike up Calton Hill to do character/speech work with Joe. However we were troopers, went up to overlook the city (in what we could see of it that wasn't engulfed by the clouds) and it turned out to be a better circumstance to work in regardless. what better image of Hecuba's fallen Troy than to look over an entire city surrounded by cloudy fall and imagine that all it's beauty was demolished? It was quite erie (and yet still breathtaking) and provided me with some wonderful images to work off of. I'm feeling good about tomorrow's opening- I'm excited to get out there and show to the WORLD all the hard work that we've done. (and if not the world, then Alyssa's parents will do). But Calton Hill was amazing, even in the rain- I'd love to go back on a clearer day, but even in it's haze... it's unbelievable that in just a single flight of stairs you can get to the top of the world.

Later I met up with everyone at the National Museum of Scotland- which is not only free, but amazing! The structure was beautiful, long corridors and glass ceilings and pillars (Brian, Alyssa, and I even made it up to the rooftop terrace!) I can't say that I really got an educational experience... we were having too much fun in the interactive areas, dressing up in old time clothes, trying to lift ourselves in pulley chairs, and racing wind up dinosaurs in the gift shop.

Next we headed over to Princes Street again to take a look at the street fair going on- I managed to snag an EXCELLENT gift for "mum"- (who will have to wait in anticipation after reading this). We went to the store we love and discovered before, Primark, and we've already decided we're going to have to go back for round 3.

After searching for an affordable dinner, we finally found a little shack of a place where we got veggie burgers and "chips." It was good and cheap, and I'm sure we'll be returning there as well. (And we ran into our friend from the first night, Graham!- Edinburgh is getting smaller and smaller as the days go by).

We caught Dario on his last night in town and all went to see "Remy," a one woman show about the French Revolution. I didn't get the entirety of the story, but the actress was quite energetic and demonstrated very good use of sense memory. And we even caught sight of another rainbow!

Headed home early to have some down time before we trek up Arthur's Seat tomorrow to do a final line-through before opening!


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